Latest Past Events

A Forages for Horses Pasture Walk at Hocking College

Join us for a Forages for Horses Pasture Walk at Hocking College on Saturday, April 30th from Noon-2 PM! RSVPS are due by April 22nd. Call Christine Gelley at 740-305-3173 or email to confirm your attendance.

Native Warm Season Grass Pasture Workshop

Greenacres Lewis Township 7597 State Route 505, Felicity

Join Greenacres Foundation for dinner and discussion followed by a walk through native-grass pasture. Speakers will deliver insights into how native grasses can make your farm more sustainable, profitable, and resilient. An RSVP is required to attend this event. Please RSVP no later than 6/15/22.

Low-Stress Cattle Handling Workshop

Greenacres Temple Grandin Handling Facility 8300 Spooky Hollow Road, Cincinnati

Join us at the Greenacres Temple Grandin Animal Handling Facility for a Low-stress Cattle Handling Workshop. Participants will learn how to efficiently handle cattle in tune with their natural instincts to improve safety and profitability.


Enhancing the profitability of Ohio farmers through the use of forage and grasslands resources.


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