Latest Past Events

Southwest Ohio Regenerative Grazing Field Day

Bartel's Farm 4427 Cotton Run Road, Hamilton

Please join us for an informational day featuring: Farm tour Pasture walks Silvopasture Christmas tree production Grazing talks Date: Thursday, August 15, 2024 Time: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Lamb taco lunch provided by Nick Forrest Location: Bartel's Farm, 4427 Cotton Run Road, Hamilton, Ohio, 45011 Cost: Free Register: 513-887-3720

Forage Field Day

A field day packed with VALUABLE INFORMATION for your operation. Forage management for: Accelerated lambing ewe flock Commercial hay production Grass-finished beef Items of interest: Soil pit comparing 20 years in grass vs 5 years Low-cost lambing facility Beef grass feed lot Bio-enhanced forage fertility Commercial hay storage Bale baron demonstration (weather permitting) Hosted by...

21st Annual Ag & Livestock Field Day

Rocky Knob Farm 131 S. Taylor Hollow Road, McConnelsville

Join us for the 21st Annual Ag & Livestock Field Day on July 31. Reservations need to be made by July 27th to OSU extension at 962-4854. Bring the family. This event will take place rain or shine. 6:00 PM: Tour / discuss Hoop barn, water system, fencing, rotational grazing, paddocks, fall grazing crops, sheep...


Enhancing the profitability of Ohio farmers through the use of forage and grasslands resources.


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